Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Public transport sucks!

How am i meant to figure out how long it takes to get to work if the
buses are so god-damned erratic?! I catch a bus @ 8am and can be at
work by half-past. Fifteen minutes later and I'm lucky to be at work
by 9am. Some buses go straight through, others pause for 5min because
they're apparently early. It's rare that buses appear at the time
indicated on the timetable, so why is it always the random one i get
on conscientious?!

A manic day, late for my own meeting, tied up in other meetings.
Nightmare! And to top it off I'm running late to let exterminators in
to my flat. There are mice in the flats and i had every intention of
being home in time. But of course that didn't happen. A bus pulled
away just as I arrived at it. I'm on the way now. I just hope that
"after 5pm" has a little leeway, otherwise I'll definitely be making
use of the traps. Today has not been a good day!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Testing a new offline program

Going to have to find a program that will let me update offline and then will upload everything once it finds some internet.. AvantGo does it.. well, kinda did it on the palm but I wonder if there's a better application for the netbook. could be something as simple as Thunderbird or another email client.. something that lets me write email/journal entries and then sends/updates them when there's a wireless connection. Since I CAN update using email, maybe that's the best way to do it..

Anyway.. I think if it was easy - something I could do in a cafe like I am now.. then I'd do it more.. As it is, I'll have to copy this into my journal.. and backdate it appropriately. It does mean that I'll be able to include a photo.. If i want..

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