Friday, February 26, 2010


In England the weather begins to warm. Flowers start to poke their heads through the greenery of public spaces. Signs of spring bring hope after winter.

In Australia the days continue warm and sunny, oblivious to the sadness we feel. Our Autumn has come early this year.

Love you Dad - rest peacefully.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Winter again

After a beautifully warm week in Bendigo, it's back to snow in the UK.

It's not until you see people clearing paths & platforms that the hassle of snow is obvious. To me it's still something special - a white blanket that makes everything look beautiful. At least it does until it melts.

I wonder if there's snow in London.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I'm travelling today.

On planes, trains & automobiles. As well as the subway. And walking of course. Hopefully I'll be tired enough that I'll sleep on the plane - I'm not usually very good at that.

Why does travelling make you tired? It's fair enough on long trips, especially when you cross timelines... but even relatively short journey can tire you out. Maybe it's something to do with the white noise of the engine or the tracks or the road. I wonder if anyone has looked into it. If I wasn't on the tube right now I'd check. :)

Friday, February 05, 2010

A grey day

sometimes it's good to take a moment to think. to look at where you are and remember how you got there. to look at the direction you're heading and decide whether that's still the way you want to go.

sometimes it's tricky. the path runs in circles and you can't tell if you're still heading forward. that's where i feel today - uncertain of direction and no clear plan ahead.

i hope it passes soon. there have been enough grey days.