Friday, July 01, 2005

Workshops - tick

i'm not even sure if this will work.. but i'll give it a go. (oops, i sent it to the wrong address.. so it didn't work.. take two).
i'm currently sitting in an airport, waiting for a flight that doesn't leave for another two hours.. why am i so early?
because i gave a fellow team mate a lift to the airport after our team workshop.. unfortunately, her flight leaves way before mine.. in fact, it may have already left. *smile*
today finishes a fairly full on fortnight of workshops. we've had voice workshops, stagecraft workshops, think tanks on new stuff, journal clubs on existing stuff, and two full days off-site for team stuff. *phew*
i'm interested to see how the info from the workshops is implemented (or not) into the work environment. i guess i'll let you know..
right now, i'm tired.. but it's an optimistic tired.. the team could accomplish great things - and the possibility is certainly achievable.